Board of Education Independent School District 200 Hastings, Minnesota A Regular Meeting of the School Board of Independent School District No. 200, Hastings, Minnesota, was held on Wednesday, August 28, 2024, at the Hastings Middle School Media Center.


Board of Education Independent School District 200 Hastings, Minnesota

A Regular Meeting of the School Board of Independent School District No. 200, Hastings, Minnesota, was held on Wednesday, August 28, 2024, at the Hastings Middle

School Media Center.

The meeting was called to order at 7:03 PM.

The following board members were present: Jessica Dressely, Melissa Millner, Jenny Wiederholt-Pine, Matt Bruns, Mark Zuzek, and Carrie Tate. Philip Biermaier attended via Google Meet. Roll call attendance was taken by Melissa Millner. Superintendent Champa was also present at the meeting.

After the Pledge of Allegiance, a motion was made by Mark Zuzek to approve the agenda. This motion was seconded by Matt Bruns. A roll call vote was taken by Melissa Millner to approve the agenda. The roll call vote was 7 ayes with the following board members voting aye: Jessica Dressely, Melissa Millner, Jenny Wiederholt-Pine, Philip Biermaier, Matt Bruns, Mark Zuzek and Carrie Tate, 0 nays, motion carried unanimously.

A motion to approve the minutes from the 07.31.24 Regular Board Meeting, and the 08.07.24 Special Meeting of the Hastings School Board was made by Jessica Dressely and seconded by Melissa Millner. A roll call vote was taken by Melissa Millner. The roll call vote was 7 ayes with the following board members voting aye: Jessica Dressely, Melissa Millner, Jenny

Wiederholt-Pine, Philip Biermaier, Matt Bruns, Mark Zuzek and Carrie Tate, 0 nays, motion carried unanimously.

Chairperson Tate recognized the visitors in the room and those viewing remotely. Superintendent Champa presented the Raider Spotlight.

The Public Comment Session was held with one person speaking. Superintendent Champa provided the Board with the Superintendent report.

Updates were given on the Annual Survey, PFAS, the Hockey Arena, and the Vermillion Township Land.

Chair Tate discussed Safety Concerns.

The Building and Construction Fund Project update was presented by Jen Seubert. The Legal: Data Request update was presented by Cathy Moen.

The ISD 917 update was given by Mark Zuzek. The AMSD update was given by Matt Bruns.

The Community Collaboration Committee update was given by Jenny Wiederholt-Pine, no meeting held since the last update.

The Facilities Committee update was given by Melissa Millner.

The Finance Committee update was given by Mark Zuzek, no meeting held since the last update.

The NAPAC update was given by Matt Bruns.

The Student School Board Committee update was given by Jessica Dressely.

Jessica Dressely provided the Board with an update from the Policy Committee which included the first reading of policies: 516 and 516.5. As well as a second reading of policy 615.

A motion to approve the Consent Agenda was made by Jessica Dressely and seconded by Mark Zuzek. A roll call vote was taken by Melissa Millner. The roll call vote was 7 ayes with the following board members voting aye: Jessica Dressely, Melissa Millner, Jenny Wiederholt-Pine, Philip Biermaier, Matt Bruns, Mark Zuzek and Carrie Tate, 0 nays, motion carried unanimously. The following items were approved under the consent agenda:

Personnel Report

Change Order No. 1 - HS Tuckpointing and Sealant

Bills Payable

Policies for Approval after Third reading: 507, 509, 511, 513, 518, 519, 521, 722, and


Policies for Approval due to Legislative Changes: 524

Sternau Contract

Amy Brown Counseling Services

Membership Renewals: BrightWorks

Approval of Updated Non-contract Rates

Approval of the 2024-2026 Master Agreement with the District Supervisors

Approval of the 2024-2026 Master Agreement with the District Directors

Second Addendum to the Superintendent’s Employment Contract

A motion was made by Mark Zuzek to approve the School Resource Officer/Traffic Control Agent. The motion was seconded by Jessica Dressely. A roll call vote was taken by Melissa Millner. The roll call vote was 7 ayes with the following board members voting aye: Jessica Dressely, Melissa Millner, Jenny Wiederholt-Pine, Philip Biermaier, Matt Bruns, Mark Zuzek and Carrie Tate, 0 nays, motion carried unanimously.

A motion was made by Matt Bruns to approve the HCTV Designation. The motion was seconded by Melissa Millner. A roll call vote was taken by Melissa Millner. The roll call vote was 7 ayes with thefollowing board members voting aye: Jessica Dressely, Melissa Millner, Jenny Wiederholt-Pine, Philip Biermaier, Matt Bruns, Mark Zuzek and Carrie Tate, 0 nays, motion carried unanimously.

A motion was made by Jessica Dressely to not move forward with the Hockey Arena funds. The motion was seconded by Jenny Wiederholt-Pine. A roll call vote was taken by Melissa Millner.

The roll call vote was 7 ayes with the following board members voting aye: Jessica Dressely, Melissa Millner, Jenny Wiederholt-Pine, Philip Biermaier, Matt Bruns, Mark Zuzek and Carrie Tate, 0 nays, motion carried unanimously.

A motion was made by Jessica Dressely to reallocate the $85,000 from the parking lot back into the building contingency fund and approve the sign. The motion was seconded by Mark Zuzek. A roll call vote was taken by Melissa Millner. The roll call vote was taken by Melissa Millner. The roll call vote was 6 ayes with the following board members voting aye: Jessica Dressely, Melissa Millner, Philip Biermaier, Matt Bruns, Mark Zuzek and Carrie Tate. Jenny Widerholt-Pine voted nay. Motion carried 6-1.

A motion was made by Matt Bruns to approve the International Pre-Trip to Greece and the Trip to France. The motion was seconded by Jenny Wiederholt-Pine. A roll call vote was taken by Melissa Millner. The roll call vote was 7 ayes with the following board members voting aye: Jessica Dressely, Melissa Millner, Jenny Wiederholt-Pine, Philip Biermaier, Matt Bruns, Mark Zuzek and Carrie Tate, 0 nays, motion carried unanimously.

Future meetings were presented and discussed by Carrie Tate.

With no further business to discuss, a motion was made to adjourn the meeting by Jessica Dressely and seconded by Melissa Millner. A roll call vote was taken by Melissa Millner. The roll call vote was 7 ayes with the following board members voting aye: Jessica Dressely, Melissa Millner, Jenny Wiederholt-Pine, Philip Biermaier, Matt Bruns, Mark Zuzek and Carrie Tate, 0 nays, motion carried unanimously.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 PM.

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